Saturday, March 7, 2009

quick quick quick. ive lost an hour

its daylight savings. which means i lose an hour as well as everyone else.
but i thought i would quickly mention once more how excited i am for the star trek movie.
Also i felt i should mention how extremely impressed i am by the casting director to get such amazingly similar in appearance people. although they really only needed any asian for sulu. lets hope he can act.


James T. Kirk I suppose i could be a little happier with. he better be a hell of an actor.

anywho, after years of not having snow patrols first two albums, i finally bought them the other day.

there is a song called starfighter pilot in which gary mentions james kirk. supposedly some guy named andrew is better than kirk. what-er. that was a gangster way of saying whatever.

im off to the U.S.S. Enterprise. beam me up scotty.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009